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What is The Secret To Being Happy In Life?

I have recently come across a secret, and I decided to let you in on it! Spoiler alert: The secret to living a long and fulfilled life is…. “strong relationships.

A misconception is floating around these days, even with our students in Elementary School, that a person’s goal for adulthood should be to become rich and famous, because nothing makes a person happier than wealth and fame.

The Harvard Study of Adult Development debunks this myth. After following a group of men (and subsequently, their offspring) for nearly 80 years, the researchers have proven that the key element to a healthy life is safe and close social connection. (here is a video that summarizes the study and its findings: The Secret to a Happy Life – Dr. Robert Waldinger

What are we doing here at AAS to lay the ground for this goal? Well, for starters, we have two recesses a day in Elementary School, so students can form friendships through play. We encourage group work throughout each subject and grade so that students have opportunities to develop their social skills and respect for each other. Our commitment to developing conflict resolution skills in students through our SEL program aligns with the goal of having good quality relationships. We know humans are social beings and that we learn better from and with others, so AAS purposefully keeps a wide range of choices for activities and sports to ensure that everyone finds “their people.” We start each day with community building in Advisory and Homeroom classes, because our focus is on creating trusting relationships between teachers and students, between students and students, and making sure that each child is feeling seen and safe. This relationship-building ensures that, even when arguments happen, we each know that we care for one another and are committed to solving the issue.

It is never too late to change, so invest in relationships and you will live longer! Play board games together instead of giving in to screen time, take walks as a family, make time for special outings with friends, try to meet new people, organize playdates for your children, etc… Those are just a few examples of choices that will help build and keep strong relationships.