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The Winter Holiday Is Upon Us

“Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, 

then all you can see is what is not there anymore.”

– Robin Hobb


The winter holiday is upon us! 

I enjoy pretty much everything about the holiday season (except the traffic around Paradise Mall). As much as I enjoy holiday music, lights, gifting, and the excitement of younger kids, what I cherish most is the opportunity to see family and friends whom I have not seen in a while. 

Over the past couple of weeks, I have talked with students, parents, and staff members about their holiday plans. Many people have shared that they will see family and friends over the holidays. Whether they are staying home and family/friends are coming to them (such is our plan) or they are driving to their home village or they are traveling to New Zealand or where have you, catching up with family and friends is what they are looking forward to. 

The holiday season got off to a great start for some staff and AAS alumni last night at the annual AAS Alumni Reunion. Around 50 AAS alumni joined the festivities. They represented graduating classes going back to at least 2016 as well as students who left AAS for other parts of the world before graduating. It was difficult to remember which graduating class many of the alumni were a part of, because we do not see them as students anymore, but young adults who are leading their own lives. I cannot express how encouraging and fulfilling it is to talk with someone I knew when they were a student (some going back to grade 3) and they are now an adult who has found their path or is finding their path. 

Many if not most of the alumni are not on the same path that they had charted for themselves as they graduated high school. And, they are just fine, better than fine in fact. I think this is true for most not so young adults too. That is something to keep in mind as our current students feel the stress of charting their path to the perfect college or other plans. Chances are, they won’t actually follow that perfect path, but they will be perfectly fine nonetheless (or maybe because of it).

Many of the alumni present last night shared with us how important AAS has been in their lives. They talked about individual teachers who have played critical roles in their lives; AAS special events; CEESA events; and the support of the AAS community as a whole. I have been in education a long time, and gatherings like the one last night remind me that this is a uniquely special place. I just hope that the alumni and our current students know that AAS is that special place because of them.

As you head off onto your winter holiday path whether it be a solo adventure or time with family and friends, I wish you the best for a fun, relaxing, and fulfilling holiday and new year.


“Family and friendships are two of the greatest facilitators of happiness”

– John C. Maxwell