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Bulgarian Merit Scholarship

AAS offers full academic scholarships to provide opportunity to talented Bulgarian students to attend our outstanding international school.

Scholarship Criteria

high school girl and boy conversing


  • Excellent English language skills;
  • Outstanding academic performance;
  • Personal qualities that allow them to work in a team;
  • Willingness to make significant efforts in the learning process;
  • Applicants must hold Bulgarian citizenship.
  • Proven need for financial support to the family;
  • The Scholarship is available only to students that are NOT currently enrolled at AAS;
  • Students should be in grade 7 or 8 at the time of application;
  • Applicants should accept that receiving a scholarship is a privilege that has the appropriate responsibilities.

For those interested in applying for a scholarship, we are organizing a Scholarship information evening on 23 January 2024 (Thursday) where you will be able to view the school, find out more about the scholarship programme, talk to current scholarship students and ask your questions.

If you wish to attend the meeting, please register below.

You will receive a confirmation of the Information evening start time after registration, shortly before the event date.

Register for the Information Evening

Applying for Scholarship

Scholarship Calendar

Scholarship FAQs

Contact us

Asya Alexandrova

Marketing & Communications Manager


School: + 359 2 923 8818

Mobile: + 359 886 003 474