Student Life
Each new friendship can make you a new person, because it opens up new doors inside of you.– Kate DiCamillo
ES School Life
Student Ambassador Program
The ES Student Ambassador program is open to children in grades 4 and 5. The goals of the ES student ambassador program are to help welcome children and families to our AAS community and to support events to promote a sense of community in our school from PK to grade 5. During the year, the ambassadors plan and organize different activities for new families, present at assemblies, and carry out other tasks to promote a safe, respectful, responsible school community.
Student Council
Students from grades 2-5 can be elected to the Elementary Student Council, where they work to make the ES community a more fun place to be. They put forward suggestions and ideas on issues that matter to the students, help organize events and/or develop schemes to raise money for charity projects. Taking part helps make the students more confident with presenting and speaking to adults.
Service Learning
From the earliest age, students at AAS learn about those who are less fortunate than themselves and those that are in need. The children learn compassion and understanding of difference and how their actions such as fundraising activities can have a positive impact on others. They also learn how to be creative in their ideas and how to grow and develop schemes so they are effective. Some of the organisations they have worked with include charities supporting the blind, the disabled, refugees and animal shelters.
MS School Life
MS Student Ambassador Program
A critical component of the transition program at the school, the Student Ambassador Program allows for students to learn leadership and advocacy, whilst helping new students to form friendships and settle into AAS. They also assist as stewards at events.
Service Learning
Learning about and helping those less fortunate than themselves is an important aspect student life at AAS.
Students are encouraged and supported to be creative in developing ideas and driving them through to make a difference to others. From fundraising to helping out at animal shelters, visiting orphanages or making and distributing sandwiches for homeless shelters, Middle School students are active service learners.
Cultural Trip
Normally taking place around September, these trips usually span 3 days and 2 nights. Students engage in team-building and learn about themselves and each other, as well as their wonderful host country.
HS School Life
Student Activity Leadership Team (SALT)
Developing leadership and advocacy skills SALT leaders assist with initiatives and events in the High School particularly around the athletics and hosting program. Students are involved in community efforts and promotion of the various athletics programs at AAS, including designing athletic gear and sponsoring charity events.
Student Council
Representing the High School student body elected students gather information, put forward requests and proposals, and organise the school prom.
Service Learning
This is an important aspect of student life throughout AAS and no less so in the High School. From reading stories and playing games in hospital with children who have cancer to hosting sports tournaments for refugee students.
From collecting bottle caps to fund incubators for sick newborns to clearing up play areas in local parks, students learn that their efforts can have an impact and improve the lives of others.
Cultural Trip
Normally taking place around September, these trips usually span 3 days and 2 nights. Students engage in team-building and learn about themselves and each other, as well as their wonderful host country.