Athletics and Activities
The Athletics and Activities Program is an integral part of the educational process by providing students with opportunities to further develop their unique capabilities, interests, and needs beyond the classroom. Participation in these activities is a privilege offered to and earned by students. Participants are representatives of their school and community and their conduct is expected to exemplify high standards at all times. The merits of competing as an individual or on a team or working together as an ensemble, the physical and social development, and skills attained, along with the increased maturity of working with and for others, are possible goals within the reach of every student.
ES Athletics and Activities
Welcome to AAS Elementary After Schools Activities (EASA)
We are providing your child with the opportunity to learn and develop skills in creativity clubs, dance, sports and many more. Activities in ES are provided mostly by outside vendors and therefore there is additional fees for participation. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for different activities every trimester.
The range of activities include:
MS Athletics and Activities
Athletic Code of Conduct
Being a part of the Middle School and High School athletic experience requires commitment of time, energy and patience. A student-athlete has these responsibilities both on and off the field.
- First and foremost is the responsibility to follow and adhere to all school policies;
- Second, if a commitment is made to a sport, this commitment must be followed through to completion, as outlined in the afterschool program;
- Showing respect and a positive attitude to the coaching staff, teammates and opponents is expected at all times;
- As a player, students are not allowed to show displeasure with those officiating.
- Students should be congenial and cordial to all officials;
- Students should avoid conversations or actions that are negative toward the opposing team. Support should be in the form of positive acts toward both teams;
- No swearing, crude comments or gestures are allowed;
- Athletes representing AAS should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in all situations.
The Principal will determine athletic and activity eligibility. For students to participate in a practice, game or tournament, they must attend all classes the day of practice, game or tournament. Only pre-arranged planned absences will be permitted. The student-athlete must discuss pre-arranged absences with their coach/sponsor by 12:00 noon of the practice day. Students returning from a weekend sporting event must attend classes the next academic day or it will be considered an unexcused absence unless they have a note from their family doctor stating the nature of the illness.
All classroom work missed while attending an athletic or activity event must be made up by the student. Students are eligible for athletics at AAS after the following are received by the MS/HS Athletic Director & Activities Coordinator:
- A physical health card signed by a health professional and by the student’s parents giving permission to participate;
- Student and parent knowledge and signatures regarding this Athletic Conduct Code, which can be obtained from the athletic office or MS/HS office;
- A form indicating parent’s understanding of hosting obligations in relation to CEESA events and activities.
Student Activity Leadership Team S.A.L.T
Developing leadership and advocacy skills SALT leaders assist with initiatives and events in the High School particularly around the athletics & activities and hosting program.
Students are involved in community efforts and promotion of the various athletics programs at AAS, including designing athletic gear and sponsoring charity events.
MS CEESA Athletics and Activities Tournaments
All AAS volleyball teams compete in the spring season.
AAS competes in CEESA swimming every year.
AAS teams play in the CEESA Division 1 group for all teams.
The participants run 2 races over the 2 days at CEESA.
We select 6 players to travel to the CEESA tournament.
AAS MS teams play 7-aside games against other CEESA schools.
This CEESA event is a FIRST Lego League competition.
This CEESA competition is governed by the MathCounts Foundation, which is based in the US.
This is a CEESA event which has a visual art focus.
Students work together in groups of 4 and compete against other teams.
At the festival over 100 students come together to sing and to produce a concert at the end of the weekend.
It is an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which students can learn about international relations, and the United Nations.
The events are Impromptu, Debate, Original Oratory, Duet Acting and Oral Interpretation.
MS CEESA Athletics and Activities Tournaments
All AAS volleyball teams compete in the spring season.
AAS competes in CEESA swimming every year.
AAS teams play in the CEESA Division 1 group for all teams.
The participants run 2 races over the 2 days at CEESA.
We select 6 players to travel to the CEESA tournament.
AAS MS teams play 7-aside games against other CEESA schools.
This CEESA event is a FIRST Lego League competition.
This CEESA competition is governed by the MathCounts Foundation, which is based in the US.
This is a CEESA event which has a visual art focus.
Students work together in groups of 4 and compete against other teams.
At the festival over 100 students come together to sing and to produce a concert at the end of the weekend.
It is an educational simulation and/or academic activity in which students can learn about international relations, and the United Nations.
The events are Impromptu, Debate, Original Oratory, Duet Acting and Oral Interpretation.
HS Athletics and Activities
The range of opportunities at the school is vast! Many clubs, teams and groups are organised internally by AAS staff – and often students – while other activities are linked to ‘CEESA’ (Central and Eastern European Schools Association). CEESA provides a competitive interscholastic athletic and activities program intended to enrich and enhance the educational experience of students.
This program plays a large part in the life of Middle & High School students. From music and culture to sport, festivals to tournaments and competitions, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Athletic Code of Conduct
Being a part of the Middle School and High School athletic experience requires commitment of time, energy and patience. A student-athlete has these responsibilities both on and off the field.
- First and foremost is the responsibility to follow and adhere to all school policies;
- Second, if a commitment is made to a sport, this commitment must be followed through to completion, as outlined in the afterschool program;
- Showing respect and a positive attitude to the coaching staff, teammates and opponents is expected at all times;
- As a player, students are not allowed to show displeasure with those officiating.
- Students should be congenial and cordial to all officials;
- Students should avoid conversations or actions that are negative toward the opposing team. Support should be in the form of positive acts toward both teams;
- No swearing, crude comments or gestures are allowed;
- Athletes representing AAS should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner in all situations.
The Principal will determine athletic and activity eligibility. For students to participate in a practice, game or tournament, they must attend all classes the day of practice, game or tournament. Only pre-arranged planned absences will be permitted. The student-athlete must discuss pre-arranged absences with their coach/sponsor by 12:00 noon of the practice day. Students returning from a weekend sporting event must attend classes the next academic day or it will be considered an unexcused absence unless they have a note from their family doctor stating the nature of the illness.
All classroom work missed while attending an athletic or activity event must be made up by the student. Students are eligible for athletics at AAS after the following are received by the MS/HS Athletic Director & Activities Coordinator:
- A physical health card signed by a health professional and by the student’s parents giving permission to participate;
- Student and parent knowledge and signatures regarding this Athletic Conduct Code,
- which can be obtained from the athletic office or MS/HS office;
- A form indicating parent’s understanding of hosting obligations in relation to CEESA events and activities.
Student Activity Leadership Team S.A.L.T
Developing leadership and advocacy skills SALT leaders assist with initiatives and events in the High School particularly around the athletics & activities and hosting program.
Students are involved in community efforts and promotion of the various athletics programs at AAS, including designing athletic gear and sponsoring charity events.
HS CEESA Athletics and Activities Tournaments
All AAS volleyball teams compete in the spring season.
AAS competes in CEESA swimming every year.
AAS teams play in the CEESA Division 1 group for all teams.
HS students run a 3.5km race and a 5km race.
AAS tennis runs in the spring for HS.
This CEESA event is a FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition.
Students work through a written, problem-solving and count-down rounds.
Students work together in groups of 4 and compete against other teams.
This is a huge CEESA event with over 100 students coming together to produce a concert which includes all 3 disciplines from the music program.
This is not a CEESA event, however many CEESA schools attend.
The events are Impromptu, Debate, Original Oratory, Duet Acting and Oral Interpretation.
AAS MS teams play 7-aside games against other CEESA schools.