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Our Campus


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Nestling in the foothills of Mount Vitosha, our school is situated on a state of the art campus, which covers a plot of land of almost 8 hectares.

70% of the total AAS land is green. 


Campus Tour

While we would love to welcome you and show you personally our spectacular campus, we realize that a visit is not always possible.  For these instances, we have created this video.  We hope that you enjoy viewing it. 

Campus Map

For a bird's eye picture of the outstanding grounds and facilities of the Anglo-American School of Sofia, please refer to the graphic campus map below.

1. Sports Field
2. Pond
3. Black Top and Playground
4. Balkan Gym
5. ES Art Room
6. ES Science Lab

7. Grades 4/5 Classrooms
8. Early Years (PreK-Kindergarten) Rooms
9. Dance Studio
10. ES Reception
11. Cafeteria
12. Atrium

13. Library
14. Middle and High School Space
15. MS/HS Classrooms
16. Amphitheatre
17. Secondary Science Lab
18. Vitosha Gym

19. Visitors Centre Reception
20. Choir/Band Room
21. Black Box Theatre
22. Theatre
23. Visual Art/Video Graphics Rooms

Environmentally Aware

AAS is very proud to have won several top ecological and environmental building awards with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

We take energy conservation seriously. To minimize electrical power consumption the school has been designed to maximise the use of natural light and classrooms are equipped with occupancy sensors which turn off the lights automatically when not in use. Solar panels are used for heating the hot water as much of the year as possible and the Rila Renaissance Centre is heated by using agricultural waste materials.

AAS has its own waste water treatment plant to allow us to recycle and reuse water. To minimize the use of potable water the school is designed to collect rainwater in special reservoirs and use it to flush the toilets in the secondary building and to irrigate the school green areas.

AAS Facilities Use Procedures