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Supporting AAS

a male teacher explaining a concept on a whiteboard

There are many ways that you can support and give back to AAS and we value any contribution you can make.

  • Time and expertise and knowledge
  • Classroom support
  • Serving on the Board, PTO, various committees
  • Providing baked or other goods for sales and events
  • Donations of art or equipment
  • Making a general donation to our Golden Fund
  • Participating in a fundraising campaign such as ‘Buy a Brick’ or ‘Sponsor a Seat’
  • Attending and supporting events and concerts

Golden Fund

The Golden Fund was established in our 50th (Golden) anniversary year to support the costs of running our scholarship program.

Each year the school is pleased to offer up to three talented Bulgarian students a fully paid scholarship to AAS which will take them from grade 8 or 9 to graduation. AAS makes these awards after a rigourous selection process to students who would otherwise not be able to attend our school.

As a not for profit organisation – we have no shareholders or financial support from any state or department – all our income, and therefore all the costs of the program, come from our fees. The money raised for the Golden Fund allows us to sustain and grow the scholarship initiative.

two girls smiling and dancing

Just as you or your family have benefited from attending the Anglo-American School of Sofia, please consider contributing to the Golden Fund to enable the school to offer the opportunity to future scholars.

Large donations will be honoured with contributor names displayed on a Contributors to the Golden Fund board in a prominent position in the school.
Receipts and donation certificates will be issued.


How to Give

Buy a Brick 

For BGN 500, buy a brick sized plaque with your choice of wording that will be mounted on the board in the atrium.

Sponsor a Theatre Seat

For BGN 250, purchase a plaque with your choice of wording placed on one of the seats in the new theatre (limited to 100 seats).

General Donation

General Donation As a regular monthly donation OR a one-off donation. Amount of your choice.